Monday, December 11, 2006

Marco Polo thinks he's a present...

Here's Marco Polo in his new favorite spot. He's here most of the day...

Baby Update

Here I am all dressed and ready to go to Tim's Holiday Party on the 9th.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Pictures from Sydney

We haven't downloaded any other pictures from our trip to Australia and New Zealand, but here are some teaser pics from our time in Sydney!

Here we are with a Koala! Not a bear, as Koalas are marssupials. And they don't like to be touched. but you can take pictures with them all day long. this one's high on eucalyptus.

Here are some kangaroos...there were some in this wildlife preserve, and we even saw some later out in the wild! Those were much bigger and not much less social. Very cool!

Here is a view of both the Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge (we climbed that!)

Here's a cool one: from the mirrors on the outside of the Opera House, the reflection of the Bridge.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Our House

Here is our home!

Actually, this looks better than it does today. We've pulled up the ivy and left behind a mess of brown deadness.

Here is our kitchen before the renovation. Pretty!

Here is another view of the living, dining, and kitchen areas. The panelled room we now use as the dining room, and we've merged the old dining room with the living room to make a "Grand Room"

And here are some after pictures!

This is a view of one side of the "new" kitchen...

And the other side!

And a few more, just for fun!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Ok we have to actually use it!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Welcome to Storc Online

Hello friends and family!
Here we have a place to exchange words and photos, to get through the times when acutally being together isn't so easy.

Let the blogging begin!


My boys...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers