Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Chronicles: May 2011

Miscellaneous photo ops from May 2011


Sweet Chase

Compliments of Loca

Backyard Play

Taking a break for the moment

As usual, going in opposite directions...

Gymtykes Recital
Gymtykes teaches sports skills and some basic gymnastics.
The kids had a routine at the end of the year to show us all they learned.
They were very cute!

Setup for the Gymnastics portion
Tate and Aila
Tate got a ribbon ... go Tater!

Chase is growing so fast, I take a million pictures to try to catch every moment!

Another day of Backyard Play
Hangin' in the backyard with Dad...
Sweaty Tate!
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The Chronicles: Aidan's Birthday Party

Though Tate's best friend moved away in March, Aidan was able to come back to Atlanta and celebrate his 4th birthday.  There were water guns, slides, and cake!
We all had a great time!

water gun war!

Aidan is serious about this game

Chase trying to figure out the whole water gun thing

Stick-em Up!
Aidan sharing a snack with Chase
Tate's only slide down the little-kid slide

Chase really enjoyed exploring the slide...


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Angie's Wedding!

Congrats my fabulous, sweet, and beautiful friend,
Angie Eick Cost!

Angie and Nathan were married on
Saturday, May 7th 2011
 in Philidelphia, PA.

Prepping for the day...

On our way to the church...

I have no photos from the ceremony itself (I was a little busy), but I have some decent shots of the recption

Photos on the property at the reception

Cool table decoration
First Dance

Table full of champagne and wine...what could be better?
Pretty ladies!
Angie's dance with her dad

And celebrating her dad's birthday...
The Ahrens Air Guitar Band made an appearance...

As well as my cheesey husband :-)

Smeone is so ready to go home...

We explored the city a bit for breakfast, but cut it too close and had to cab it back to the hotel to make our flight.

A nice, quiet flight home
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The Chronicles: Miscellaneous April

April was busy at the beginning (Tate's birthday) and the end (Easter) but pretty calm in between.  Here are a few favorites from April...

Chase riding his tractor (thanks, Grumps!)

Super Storcs!

Cowboy Chase.
Chase loves to wear hats!
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My boys...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers