Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Chronicles - The Last Days of Babyhood

In the last months of Tate's Babyhood, he has shown himself to be smart, sweet, and very funny! Who couldn't love life when accompanied by this giggle-monster?!

Tate catchphrases:
- I need! (and he needed everything!)
- Blue! Blue! Blue! (Tim taught him to chant this whenever blueberries are mentioned or seen. Very funny in Costco...)
- E-I-E-I-Oooooo
- We go!
- Whoa! (this is said after anything that is just really cool, like watching a ceiling fan turn)
- Car!
- Cookie? Cookie?! (the second "Cookie" is sort of a desperate request, complete with furrowed brow)
- Lowells! (this actually refers to pretzels, but Lowell at school gives them out...)

Here are some photos for January through April:

Tate's starting to get the idea of "Cheese!"

The silly apple doesn't fall far from the silly tree

Changing into pajamas is like playing a game. And when Tate sees his Lightning McQueen shoes, he absolutely must wear them. Clearly, his european heritage is strong...

Tate had an upset tummy, and we were just trying to protect the couch. But it was already too late at this point. Did you know you can launder the sofa cushions even if they tell you not to?

More Cheese...

Tate comes from a long line of meticulous people. While he can certainly do whatever he wants, we already see a theme forming...

Loca is such a good sport...

My boys...

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers